I INVITED POLICE CHIEF GREG SUHR to ATTEND (or send a chosen representative) as a SYMBOL of SFPD's commitment to Sean, OTHER MISSING PERSONS FROM SAN FRANCISCO & in acknowledgement of National Missing Children's Day (5/25).
I WONDER if Police Chief Greg Suhr will think this cause worthy of his attention? NOTE: SF combines SVU/Missing Persons in one department. ADMIRABLY, Police Chief GREG Suhr has attended events for the prevention of domestic violence (i.e. SVU) - So WHY not also SUPPORT the cause of MISSING PERSONS from San Francisco?!
IF I do not receive a reply from POLICE CHIEF Greg Suhr next week, I will follow up with Police Greg Suhr with a HAND DELIVERED letter. Please check back.
See www.seansidi.com or www.facebook.com/findseansidi for more information on Sean Sidi, age 19, who vanished from San Francisco, CA May 21, 2013 shortly after sustaining a severe traumatic brain injury.