He was silent as I described the first crucial days, particularly the “ping” of Sean’s phone. He could not explain why Det. M. told us to search Baker Beach (NW quadrant of city), when the ping coordinates CLEARLY indicated the ping at the SW quadrant of the city… (i.e., S-SW of Stanyan/Fulton cell tower)…or why it took another week to confirm Golden Gate Park as the correct location...
We exchanged information, and I thought it was the first productive meeting I’ve had with LE over the past 21 months. I don’t know if Cap. Santos is a parent, but I do recall him saying, ‘You seek resolution.’ YES, we hope for a miracle, but if not, then for answers…resolution.
Thank you Captain Santos (& Lt. Dudoroff – also at meeting) for your compassion & humanity.
PHOTOS: GINGER, Sean & Danielle's dog. Pic of Danielle & Sean a year before Sean vanished.
See www.seansidi.com or www.facebook.com/findseansidi for more information on Sean Sidi, age 19, who vanished from San Francisco, CA May 21, 2013 shortly after sustaining a severe traumatic brain injury. Please email lynnkching@yahoo.com with your mailing address to have Sean's fliers mailed to you anywhere in the U.S.