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help find sean sidi

Help find Sean Sidi

We need your help to find our son

Missing Sean SIDI - December 3, 2017

We hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving with cherished ones.

We spent Thanksgiving in San Francisco with family and our (and Sean's) closest friends. It was joyful & sad - our 5th without Sean.

Please help us share Sean's age progressed photo. We will also be printing new fliers for distribution.

Thank you Jamey Bougher-Owens for Sean's flier!!!

To Those Who May Be Harboring Sean (SIDI) - August 27, 2016

To Those Who May Be Harboring Sean,

We believe Sean may be alive. We continue to receive first hand reliable tips - as recently as yesterday. 

Sean has always been loved and cherished. He may have a brain injury, but he has lived 19 years of his life, knowing that he was loved, to the fullest extent. We believe that he still knows this. 

Many seek Sean. 

If we find him, and he is of sound mind, he will have our blessings (as always) to follow his heart and make his own decisions. 

You may not know this, but when Sean awoke from his coma after his traumatic brain injury, the first thing he said to the nurses in ICU was, "I want my mother." 

This speaks volumes. 

Below are pictures of Sean with his dad at college, cousins & sister in Hawaii, & sister on the ski slopes.

Sean is much loved. 

We beg you to disclose Sean's location to us. 415.713.5913. 

Lynn, Claude & Danielle

Update re Search for Sean SIDI - July 4, 2016

This was posted on FB FindSeansidi last week: 


Some days I can't stand posting on Sean's page. It just reminds me how long we've been in hell - how long Sean' has been lost without us, and how long we've been without him - But I have no choice, because there is a chance that Sean is alive. SFPD recently issued another nationwide BOLO. 

4 tips received in last 4 months - thanks to those sharing and posting (♥ ANN A. Tina, Luana, & Leona (HI) & ALL): 2 tips discounted by photos; 1 from Colorado of a young man recently arrived from CA (no picture); and an interesting set of tips from Venice Beach area - So Cal - being monitored - will share soon.

On the flip side, CA Department of Justice ("DOJ") requested Sean's x-rays & medical records from his head injury - 2,000+ pages documenting a craniotomy and a cranioplasty (look it up) - The idea is - the x-rays/records will help identify Sean's body / remains - something you can never fully appreciate unless your child is missing. [Thanks to Sgt. Chris Long of SFPD for ensuring the info also gets to NamUs and NCIC - the federal databases.] 

Picture below was taken in 2012, Sean was 18 yrs and Danielle was 14yrs. And we were happy. 

See or for more information about Sean SIDI, who vanished from San Francisco, CA (age 19) shortly after sustaining a traumatic brain injury. Sean may be homeless, lost without memory FAR from San Francisco. 
‪#‎seansidi‬ ‪#‎missingsf‬ ‪#‎missingcaliforniafive‬ ‪#‎californiamissingpersons‬‪#‎missingpersons‬,

Sean SIDI - 3 YEARS MISSING - Saturday May 21, 2016 w/SF GIANTS

POST on - Saturday May 21, 2016 

Thank you all for your texts, videos, special fliers and FB messages in support yesterday (Sat May 21, 2016) - 3 years since Sean went missing... It was especially painful because Danielle, Sean's sister graduated from high school yesterday, also.

It felt SO empty, and so, so SAD that Sean was not there to see Danielle reach this milestone...

After the graduation, Claude, Danielle and I headed to the GIANTS game, to see Sean on the GIANTS scoreboard...Even in a crowd of thousands, we felt enveloped in love and warmth on this difficult day...... 

Thanks to ALL OUR FRIENDS & FAMILY who came yesterday to the Giants game to support us!!!! Special thanks to my cousins Jody & MIKE  - (but somehow did not get you in the pictures!!....) We love you!! 

Larry Baer, CEO & owner of the Giants came up and introduced himself & extended his support & thoughts. A kind, gem of a man. 


SEAN, we love you SO, SO much......


Photo 1 - Sean on Scoreboard.  Hard to get a good photo but very clear in person.

Photo 2 - Lynn's uncle, Claude, Lynn & Danielle at AT&T park.  

Photo 3 - Lianne (Lynn's sister from Hawaii), Claude & Danette (cousin)

Photo 4 - Our precious Sean

See or for more information on the search for Sean Sidi, who vanished from SF (age 19) May 21, 2013 shortly after sustaining a traumatic brain injury.  Call TIPS or send photo to 415.713.5913 or   


San Francisco GIANTS help in the Search for SEAN SIDI



NEXT Saturday, May 21, 2016 will mark 3 years since our beloved Sean VANISHED from San Francisco….3 years of wondering whether the next day would bring news of Sean - 3 years of indescribable grief but also of AWE & AMAZEMENT at the continued outpouring of support from so many - 


ON THIS DATE (5/21), the SAN FRANCISCO GIANTS will FEATURE SEAN on their SCOREBOARD (Inning TBA next week).


Thank YOU SF GIANTS & Larry Baer! We are touched by your heart and support for Sean, and SO MANY OTHERS missing in our community. 


MUCH THANKS also to our very own MIKE Rodriguez– who approached the Giants on our behalf, and GIANTS Community Relations Manager Bobby BAKSA, for all his help. 


If you are at the GIANTS game next SAT., 5/21, please come by and say hello. Claude, Danielle and I will be in the bleachers: B141 Row 28, Seats 32-34 or Row 29, seats 33-36.


See or for more information on Sean Sidi, age 19, who went missing from San Francisco, CA on May 21, 2013, shortly after sustaining a traumatic brain injury.   Pls keep an eye for Sean who may be lost FAR from SF, without memory.  Contact 415.713.5913 or with TIPS or questions.