1,000+ lunches prepared by 'Missing & Homeless', Tony Anthony & community at SKID ROW, Los Angeles, CA on Sunday 4/17/16.
Thank you ALL for including Sean in this awesome community effort!!
Blue Shirts - Flier/Lunch Distribution at SKID ROW, Los Angeles, CA
ORANGE SHIRTS - Flier/Lunch Distribution at VENICE BEACH, SANTA MONICA, (Southern0 CA
See www.seansidi.com or www.facebook.com/findseansidi for more information about Sean SIDI, who vanished from San Francisco, CA on May 21, 2013, (at age 19), shortly after sustaining a severe traumatic brain injury. Please keep an eye out for Sean - who may be lost amongst the homeless with no memory - very FAR from S.F.. CONTACT: lynnkching@yahoo.com or 415.713.5913 with tips.