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help find sean sidi

Help find Sean Sidi

We need your help to find our son

To Those Who May Be Harboring Sean (SIDI) - August 27, 2016

To Those Who May Be Harboring Sean,

We believe Sean may be alive. We continue to receive first hand reliable tips - as recently as yesterday. 

Sean has always been loved and cherished. He may have a brain injury, but he has lived 19 years of his life, knowing that he was loved, to the fullest extent. We believe that he still knows this. 

Many seek Sean. 

If we find him, and he is of sound mind, he will have our blessings (as always) to follow his heart and make his own decisions. 

You may not know this, but when Sean awoke from his coma after his traumatic brain injury, the first thing he said to the nurses in ICU was, "I want my mother." 

This speaks volumes. 

Below are pictures of Sean with his dad at college, cousins & sister in Hawaii, & sister on the ski slopes.

Sean is much loved. 

We beg you to disclose Sean's location to us. 415.713.5913. 

Lynn, Claude & Danielle

Update re Search for Sean SIDI - July 4, 2016

This was posted on FB FindSeansidi last week: 


Some days I can't stand posting on Sean's page. It just reminds me how long we've been in hell - how long Sean' has been lost without us, and how long we've been without him - But I have no choice, because there is a chance that Sean is alive. SFPD recently issued another nationwide BOLO. 

4 tips received in last 4 months - thanks to those sharing and posting (♥ ANN A. Tina, Luana, & Leona (HI) & ALL): 2 tips discounted by photos; 1 from Colorado of a young man recently arrived from CA (no picture); and an interesting set of tips from Venice Beach area - So Cal - being monitored - will share soon.

On the flip side, CA Department of Justice ("DOJ") requested Sean's x-rays & medical records from his head injury - 2,000+ pages documenting a craniotomy and a cranioplasty (look it up) - The idea is - the x-rays/records will help identify Sean's body / remains - something you can never fully appreciate unless your child is missing. [Thanks to Sgt. Chris Long of SFPD for ensuring the info also gets to NamUs and NCIC - the federal databases.] 

Picture below was taken in 2012, Sean was 18 yrs and Danielle was 14yrs. And we were happy. 

See or for more information about Sean SIDI, who vanished from San Francisco, CA (age 19) shortly after sustaining a traumatic brain injury. Sean may be homeless, lost without memory FAR from San Francisco. 
‪#‎seansidi‬ ‪#‎missingsf‬ ‪#‎missingcaliforniafive‬ ‪#‎californiamissingpersons‬‪#‎missingpersons‬,

Happy Birthday Sean SIDI !!!

Today is Sean's birthday. Words cannot describe the love, joy and wonder which Sean blessed our lives...

Happy Birthday Sweetheart, We love you always, forever & more. We will never ever stop hoping and praying that we will be together one day. 


With All Our Love, 
Mom & Dad





see or for more information about Sean SIDI, who vanished from San Francisco, CA on May 21, 2013, (at age 19), shortly after sustaining a severe traumatic brain injury. Please keep an eye out for Sean - who may be lost amongst the homeless with no memory - very FAR from S.F.. CONTACT: or 415.713.5913 with tips. 

October 18, 2015 - Search for Sean SIDI Continues

I duplicate most of the posts on   However, not all of the articles or comments (of hundreds) can be shared.  If you'd like to access it, Sean's FB page is set up as a public page and you should be able to access it without a FB account.   If you try it and have problems, please let me know. 

Here is the FB Post of Saturday, 10/17/2015:

It has been 2 Years, 4 Months, 26 Days, since I last saw and hugged Sean. 

There has been NO "dimming" of anguish or pain, NOR will there be, UNTIL we "know"....

Every so often, the veneer of cheer and normalcy that we both "put on'" each day - cracks.....It took me off guard when Claude, who is particularly good at masking his pain with smiles - on our drive to work - said out of the blue......."It's a miracle we haven't yet had a nervous breakdown..."

I couldn't have stated it up more succinctly myself..

Thanks for listening, sharing, caring, posting, & keeping an eye out for Sean.   We could not have made it this far without the support and love so many of you have extended to our family.  


Below: Fliers of Sean still being posted thanks to many. Here are a FEW: Fairfax Roastery, CA (♥ Tina!); San Leandro, CA (♥ Ann A); EBAY STORE 'Raynibo' of Bo's Boutique sending Sean's flier across the country (♥ Rayni!); Ellen B who distributed Fliers in Nashville N.C., (no pic). 

see or for more information about Sean SIDI, who vanished from San Francisco, CA on May 21, 2013, (at age 19), shortly after sustaining a severe traumatic brain injury. Please keep an eye out for Sean - who may be VERY FAR from SF- lost amongst the homeless with no memory

Sean Sidi Family Notes - Thanksgiving 2014

We thought of Sean and all of you last night during our Thanksgiving dinner. How - despite the anguish & heartache of the last 18 months -we have been so lucky to have "met" all of you. Thank you all for your support & generosity in helping... us keep the search for precious Sean alive, by sharing, praying, POSTING and hoping.

BELOW: Picture of Sean and childhood friend Nobuo. Sean's dad and Nobuo's dad were roommates during their bachelor days. Sean and Nobuo have been as close as "brothers" since they were born (minus the sibling rivalry) - inseparable & always there for each other. We had Thanksgiving dinner with Nobuo's parents and brother last night. It was so good to remember the many good times, to laugh (& cry) and to speak words of hope that we may one day - see Sean again.

Wishing you all cherished moments with those you love.
Lynn, Claude and Danielle

See or for more information on critically injured Sean SIDI (age 19) missing from San Francisco CA May 21, 2013. Sean may not know his name or his DIRE MEDICAL NEEDS due to a severe traumatic brain injury suffered shortly before going missing. Please email to have Sean's fliers mailed to you anywhere in the U.S. (refills included!)

Sean Sidi Follow Up: Photo of "John Doe" 19 yr Teen with no Memory" Received

Today, we received the photo of the 'Asian John Doe Teen (19 yr old) with No Memory', from the County of Shasta.  

We wish we could convey good news. Unfortunately, the John Doe teen was NOT Sean.

Our hearts are broken…this one time, we dared to hope. However, it was not to be….

We thank so many of you who came to our assistance in following this lead. If you have Sean’s flier up in Redding, CA, we would be grateful if you would consider keeping it up, as Sean is STILL missing.

In Hope,

The Sidi Family

See or for more information on critically injured Sean SIDI (age 19) missing from San Francisco CA May 21, 2013. Sean may not know his name or his DIRE MEDICAL NEEDS due to a severe traumatic brain injury suffered shortly before going missing. 


We have been provided with a detailed TIP that Sean MAY have been in the area of Redding, CA in February 2014.

Based on the (reliable) TIP, an Asian teen (between 17-19/20yrs) fitting Sean’s description (including the DROOPY right eye), WHO HAD NO MEMORY OF WHO HE WAS, appeared at a shelter and/or other location in Redding in February 2014.

The Asian teen, in addition to a memory loss, appeared in need of medical attention for sores etc.



PLEASE email to have fliers MAILED TO YOU.

WE are also reaching out to anyone who may have MEDIA CONTACTS in the local Redding, CA area.

WE WILL KEEP YOU POSTED AS information received is developed. (The above information does NOT preclude other recent sightings in SF or elsewhere. However, the most recent TIP is one of the strongest tips received to date, and if it can be confirmed - would give us hope that Sean is still alive - at least as of Feb 2014.)

See or for more information on critically injured Sean SIDI (age 19) missing from San Francisco CA May 21, 2013. Sean may not know his name or his DIRE MEDICAL NEEDS due to a severe traumatic brain injury suffered shortly before going missing.