Over the past 10 months since our son, Sean SIDI went missing from San Francisco on May 21, 2013, we have been blessed with the support of MANY -
Recently Lynn (Sean's mom) received an email from a street youth who was a former missing person, who we will call 'MM'. MM has lived in Golden Gate Park and is wise to the ways of the streets. She also has been on the look out for Sean (SIDI) - for some time now. MM is aware that Sean suffered a life threatening traumatic brain injury shortly before going missing, and may not be cognizant of who he is/we are.
THE email from MM said:
"I tried with a group to find Sean at GGP (Golden Gate Park). I was a missing youth for a few years and I know that a young person can be successful and healthy with his injuries. PLEASE DON'T GIVE UP HOPE."
Thank you MM for your letter of HOPE, AND for searching for Sean!!
Lynn, Claude & Danielle SIDI
SOME COMMENTS POSTED ON www.facebook.com/findseansidi:
Renee Callantine That's a wonderful photo. I was at the US District Court in San Jose yesterday and they have Sean's flyer prominently displayed on a stand next to the elevators. You are certainly doing the best you can possibly do to find him, and I pray that he comes home soon.
Like · Reply · 36 minutes ago
FIND SEAN SIDI Really? Thank you SO much for letting us know Renee! Thank you also to the person(s) responsible for getting Sean's flier there! In part, HOPE comes from knowing that awareness of the search for Sean is still alive. Thanks to social media and most of all - to SO MANY COMPASSIONATE PEOPLE - we stand a chance of finding Sean. At minimum, I hope that the search for Sean brings awareness to the 2,000 people who go missing every day & how public awareness CAN make a difference to many who go missing. MANY missing (of which a good number are like Sean, that is, vulnerable and at high risk due to a cognitive medical condition) are found by alert, caring members of the public. In Hope, Lynn (Sean's mom
For more information about the search for brain injureed Sean Sidi, missing from San Francisco May 21, 2013, please see www.facebook.com/findseansidi orwww.seansidi.com.
Sean is 19 yrs. old, Asian/White, 5'5" 120 lbs and slim build, dark brown hair & eyes, WEARS SILVER DENTAL BRACES, has dimples, and scar on right forehead from brain surgery. He has suffered a recent severe traumatic brain injury and may be disoriented and not know his name or prior life.
Photo of Sean with dad, Claude @ April 2012 at U of Colorado, several months before Sean's brain injury/accident in Nov 2012. Second photo of Sean & sister Danielle at U of Colorado Boulder. Sean LOVES to ski and was looking forward to getting in some skiing while attending U of Colorado (at Boulder). Sean went missing from San Francisco, CA May 2013.
We have boxes and boxes of Sean's fliers we would like to distribute. We will gladly mail a packet of Sean’s missing person flier to you ANYWHERE IN THE U.S. Please email lynnkching@yahoo.com with your mailing address, or send a message on FB to have a packet of Sean's fliers mailed to you.