19. April 2015 22:43
Lynn Ching
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Based on others who have gone missing with cognitive impairment and/or mental health issues, we know that SEAN may be LOST with no memory very FAR from San Francisco. Face RECOGNITION via FLIERS continue to rank as one of the TOP ways MISSING PEOPLE are LOCATED. THANKS TO YOU the search for SEAN continues near & FAR.
WAL MART in Florida recently called to notify me that Sean's fliers had been posted in their women's restroom. ANN A. on vacation in MELBOURNE, FLORIDA sent me a pictures of SEAN'S fliers she posted there. TINA A. sent pics of SEAN'S FLIERS she POSTED around the BAY AREA. Thank you BOTH & OTHERS posting!
If you are TRAVELING (or even if not) & willing to post 1 or 2 of Sean's fliers on vacation (or here) please email lynnnkching@yahoo.com with your address to have a few fliers mailed to you! Thank you also to those still posting in San Francisco & the Bay Area. While the fliers may not stay up long in San Francisco, they notify those who see it that the SEARCH FOR SEAN IS STILL ALIVE!!!
Below: Sean's flier in Melbourne, Florida; Bay Area, California
See www.seansidi.com or www.facebook.com/findseansidi for more information on Sean Sidi missing from San Francisco CA May 21, 2013 shortly after sustaining a traumatic brain injury. #seansidi, #sfpd, @brennie2637