Dear Sean (SIDI) - December 20, 2015
help find sean sidi

Help find Sean Sidi

We need your help to find our son

Dear Sean (SIDI) - December 20, 2015

Dear Sean, 

We miss you every minute of each and every day, 
We remember your first ski lesson at 2 years of age, 
Then Danielle's a few years later.
Both of you having so much fun. 
So many cherished memories... 
We hobble through each day, doing the best we can,
- while we wait for you. 
For as long as it takes - 

With So Much Love,

Mom, Dad & Danielle

Picture 1 - Sean's dad Claude & sister, Daneille - Dec 2015

Picture 2 - Sean (left) & Danielle 

see or for more information about Sean SIDI, who vanished from San Francisco, CA on May 21, 2013, (at age 19), shortly after sustaining a severe traumatic brain injury. Please keep an eye out for Sean - who may be lost amongst the homeless with no memory - very FAR from S.F..

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