EVEN if the stars aligned perfectly, we know NOT whether answers will be ours - Hopes raised and dashed are devastating - we have found.
The Venice CA sightings remain UNCONFIRMED. One "Sean" whom many locals thought to be the person on the flier was confirmed NOT to be our Sean. Another of the unconfirmed "Seans" remains elusive, and may or may not exist.
STILL, we seek to keep awareness UP in this area as many young ones pass through -
Is he Sean? What to do? SO difficult to tell - we know. How to start???
WHISPER SEAN'S name, speak to him in FRENCH (friends), & PLEASE take a picture. 415.713.5913 - 24/7.
MAYBE one day our prayers will be answered.
Pictures: We post pictures of Sean - at all ages to recall the many good years, as Sean is much more than a missing person. Sean (far right) and friends whitewater rafting; Sean (& Danielle) abroad to meet up with family (OLD PHOTOS), as was our summertime 'routine'.
OTHER: PRAYERS (on the PRAYER TREE) -thank you Elizabeth!!: and one of MANY MANY FLIERS left across Arizona, New Mexico, Texas & beyond - by ANN A. (Thank you ANN !!!)
See www.facebook.com/findseansidi or www.seansidi.com for more information about Sean SIDI, who vanished from San Francisco, CA (at age 19) shortly after sustaining a traumatic brain injury. Sean may be homeless, lost WITHOUT MEMORY FAR from San Francisco.
#seansidi #missingsf #missingcaliforniafive #californiamissingpersons