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help find sean sidi

Help find Sean Sidi

We need your help to find our son

Sean SIDI - Missing from SF Five Years Today - May 21, 2018

TODAY, May 21, 2018 marks 5 years since Sean vanished without a trace from San Francisco. 

Claude and I have died a little each day - waiting for Sean.    

Missing Sean, loving him, remembering his smile and good humor - living without answers, have taken its toll.  




Find Sean SIDI - May 6, 2018

4 years, 11 months and 16 days... 

...since Sean vanished into thin air.   

It has not been easy to live in hope, and truthfully, there are days that are too difficult to bear.  I could not in a million years - have envisioned this nightmare.   But its here, and all we can do is fight to the end, search until we draw our last breath - then hope that some of you will keep the search going. 

 Thank you to those who continue to pray & post & keep an eye out for Sean.   

 We are still distributing fliers to anyone who can post.  415.713.5913. 

 One of my favorite pictures of Sean and dad - Claude. 


Missing Sean SIDI - December 3, 2017

We hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving with cherished ones.

We spent Thanksgiving in San Francisco with family and our (and Sean's) closest friends. It was joyful & sad - our 5th without Sean.

Please help us share Sean's age progressed photo. We will also be printing new fliers for distribution.

Thank you Jamey Bougher-Owens for Sean's flier!!!

Update re Search for Sean SIDI - July 4, 2016

This was posted on FB FindSeansidi last week: 


Some days I can't stand posting on Sean's page. It just reminds me how long we've been in hell - how long Sean' has been lost without us, and how long we've been without him - But I have no choice, because there is a chance that Sean is alive. SFPD recently issued another nationwide BOLO. 

4 tips received in last 4 months - thanks to those sharing and posting (♥ ANN A. Tina, Luana, & Leona (HI) & ALL): 2 tips discounted by photos; 1 from Colorado of a young man recently arrived from CA (no picture); and an interesting set of tips from Venice Beach area - So Cal - being monitored - will share soon.

On the flip side, CA Department of Justice ("DOJ") requested Sean's x-rays & medical records from his head injury - 2,000+ pages documenting a craniotomy and a cranioplasty (look it up) - The idea is - the x-rays/records will help identify Sean's body / remains - something you can never fully appreciate unless your child is missing. [Thanks to Sgt. Chris Long of SFPD for ensuring the info also gets to NamUs and NCIC - the federal databases.] 

Picture below was taken in 2012, Sean was 18 yrs and Danielle was 14yrs. And we were happy. 

See or for more information about Sean SIDI, who vanished from San Francisco, CA (age 19) shortly after sustaining a traumatic brain injury. Sean may be homeless, lost without memory FAR from San Francisco. 
‪#‎seansidi‬ ‪#‎missingsf‬ ‪#‎missingcaliforniafive‬ ‪#‎californiamissingpersons‬‪#‎missingpersons‬,

PLEASE Watch Investigative Discovery (ID) "Disappeared" on Monday April 25, 2016 - SEARCH FOR SEAN SIDI

College student Bryce Laspisa  (age 19 years)  went missing almost 3 years ago in August 2012 - while driving from college in Northern California to his parents' home in Southern California.  

As you might imagine, having a missing child is horrific. "It's the worst thing anyone can experience," Bryce's mom - Karen Laspisa [told] the camera. "It's worse than death."   

Grieving and brought together by the loss of our sons, Karen and I have helped each other through some very tough days..... 


On MONDAY, 4/25, 7 pm ET - NBC Investigative Discovery (ID) "Disappeared" series - will air a segment about Bryce's disappearance.  Here is the trailer:

I hope that you will watch "Disappeared"  on Monday 4/25 and share this with your friends so that Bryce may be reunited with his family. 


The Channel Station Finder is:

(Show time is 4 pm & 11 pm, on 4/25, San Francisco, CA on Channel #285 if you have Direct TV) 




see or for more information about Sean SIDI, who vanished from San Francisco, CA on May 21, 2013, (at age 19), shortly after sustaining a severe traumatic brain injury. Please keep an eye out for Sean - who may be lost amongst the homeless with no memory - very FAR from S.F..  CONTACT or 415.713.5913 with photos, tips or questions.

Update: San Francisco Police Issues BOLO for SEAN SIDI - January 16, 2016

San Francisco Police has issued another nationwide BOLO (Be On the Lookout) for Sean.    


People often ask how we cope.  Truthfully, it's been a very long 2.5+ years - missing Sean so much, but barely being able to look at his picture, or talk about him - for all the pain memory brings.    



We know with 100% certainty that Sean did not vanish into thin air on May 21, 2013, from Golden Gate Park (SF-CA).  Our search for Sean will continue for as long as it takes to get answers. 


If you would like to help in the search for Sean, please SHARE Sean's flier with a shelter or food kitchen - anywhere in the U.S.  We will provide fliers to anyone requesting them: 415.713.5913 or Truly, EVERY FLIER COUNTS. 



see or for more information about Sean SIDI, who vanished from San Francisco, CA on May 21, 2013, (at age 19), shortly after sustaining a severe traumatic brain injury. Please keep an eye out for Sean - who may be lost amongst the homeless with no memory - very FAR from S.F..  SEND ALL TIPS / PHOTOS TO 415.713.5913 


From the Sean SIDI Family - January 3, 2016

Happy 2016!

2 years, 7 months and 12 days... 

We cherished time spent with family this holiday season, while missing Sean with every breath. 

While we continue to HOPE for the best, we also prepare for the worst.  We take comfort in knowing that for 19 years, Sean laughed, played, and lived life to the FULLEST and was so very happy almost every single day. 

We wish you all the very best in the year to come,

Always In HOPE,
Lynn, Claude and Danielle 

BELOW:  Pictures of Sean, forever loved, living life to its fullest

0.  Sean, forever loved. 

1.  Best Friends Nobuo (left) & Paul - endless good times - picture taken after graduation at IHS, June 2012

2.  Sean loved the outdoors, whitewater rafting, backpacking, skiing - you name it.

3.  Sean's sister Danielle (far right) and cousins Rachel and Sydney, this month.  All miss Sean dearly.... 

see or for more information about Sean SIDI, who vanished from San Francisco, CA on May 21, 2013, (at age 19), shortly after sustaining a severe traumatic brain injury. Please keep an eye out for Sean - who may be lost amongst the homeless with no memory - very FAR from S.F..