10. March 2014 19:41
Lynn Ching
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On, May 21, 2013, the day that Sean vanished, he was not feeling well. He asked me, ‘Why do I feel so bad?’ I gave Sean a big hug before leaving the house to drop his sister Danielle at school. But somehow I knew that something was very wrong, and returned home to check on Sean, rather than continuing on to work. However, it was too late. Sean had already left the house when I arrived home. That was the last time that I saw Sean.
Almost 10 months have passed sinc...e Sean vanished from San Francisco, CA on May 21, 2013. While the trail has not gone completely cold, we have yet to receive 1 confirmed sighting of Sean. Our hearts ache so much for Sean. We try to maintain hope, but it is not easy as we know that Sean has not used his cell phone, bank card, email or FB account since he went missing. This is never a good sign. We are also acutely aware of Sean’s fragile physical and cognitive state – still in the early stages of recovering from a horrific accident that nearly killed him - just 6 months earlier.
We are doing our best to keep the search for Sean going, but this gets harder as time passes. We think that our ONLY hope of finding Sean, in time, is prayer, luck and the distribution and posting of Sean’s fliers – as far and wide - as possible.
We are thankful to those of you who are still posting Sean’s fliers & sharing our posts. Without you we would not be able to keep the search for Sean alive…We would be very grateful if you would share this post in hopes that someone will recognize Sean, and call us.
We have printed Sean’s fliers in BULK and would be happy to mail a packet of fliers to anyone, anywhere in the U.S., if you email lynnkching@yahoo.com with your address. You may also send a message on FB.
With Gratitude,
Lynn (& Claude) Sidi
see www.facebook.com/findseansidi or www.seansidi.com for more information about 19 year old Sean Sidi, who suffered a severe brain injury shortly before going missing from San Francisco, CA on May 21, 2013. Sean, age 19 is Asian/White; 5'5" 120 lbs, slim build, dk brown hair and eyes; wears silver dental braces, has dimples and scar on right forehead.
Picture of Sean (left) with good friend Nobuo Bravo.
Sean and Nobuo have been the best of friends since they were 6 months old.

3. January 2014 17:08
Lynn Ching
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It seems obvious to US why we are searching for Sean. However, a few (not many, but we felt we should address this) romantics (skeptics) have implied that Sean has left to start a new life, a life of independence.
1. Sean, age 19, has no need to 'run away'. He is legally an adult.
2. On May 21, 2013, the day that Sean vanished without a trace, Sean made an appointment with his teacher to return to school the next day to upload some films (i.e. Sean INTENDED TO RETURN THE NEXT DAY). Sean's teacher has confirmed this.
3. Sean's cell phone, bank card, email, facebook and all electronic means of communication have NOT been accessed since he vanished. For those who know Sean, this in and of itself is a BIG WORRY. Point and case, shortly after emerging from his coma after the accident, and barely able to walk, or open his eyes, Sean asked for his cell phone.
4. Sean's neurosurgeon has confirmed in writing to San Francisco Police that Sean's medical condition puts him at RISK OF DEATH (on the streets). Sean's doctors have also confirmed that Sean's severe traumatic brain injury puts him at risk of OTHER COMPLICATIONS (i.e. seizures, memory loss, etc).
To date there has been NO confirmed sighting of Sean (SAR finding or not). IF Sean is still alive, and based on information from doctors, we anticipate that Sean is not cognizant of his circumstance (i.e. TOO ILL to know that he needs help) and in need of medical care.
Upon finding Sean, and upon medical opinion that Sean is physically and mentally sound, we will (as we have for Sean's ENTIRE life) support Sean in his endeavors - whatever that may be.
UNTIL THEN, we will continue to search for Sean (SIDI).
In Hope,
Lynn and Claude Sidi
For more information about the desperate search for brain injured Sean SIDI, missing from San Francisco, CA May 21, 2013, please see www.facebook.com/findseansidi or www.seansidi.com. To see public comments, see www.facebook.com/findseansidi.
26. December 2013 03:15
Lynn Ching
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We have lived the past 7 months as best as we can, searching for Sean and trying desperately to keep hope alive. While Sean's disappearance has been hard on us (his parents) - it has been even harder in many ways - on Sean's sister and best friend, Danielle. The littlest things such as eating otter pops on a hot Hawaiian day, remind us all of the many laughs and precious moments shared by Sean and Danielle over 15 years. Sean, the unfailing leader of mischief making, and Danielle his devoted accomplice.
We have promised Danielle that we will NEVER stop searching for her beloved brother.
Sean is much missed and loved,
Danielle, Lynn & Claude Sidi
For more information on the desperate search for critically injured teen, Sean Sidi, missing from San Francisco, CA May 21, 2013, see www.seansidi.com or www.facebook.com/findseansidi.
Picture below: Sean with sister Danielle (center) and cousin Rachel, in Hawaii eating otter pops on a hot Hawaiian day.

3. November 2013 16:46
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"Find Sean SIDI flyers are ready for the USPS to deliver to shelters and soup kitchens in Santa Clara and Santa Cruz counties. Three Southern CA counties are next. Feels good to be doing something, but it would feel so much better if we found Sean."
**If you would like to volunteer in the mass mailing campaign of Sean's Missing Person Flier to homeless shelters and soup kitchens across the nation, please contact Lynn atlynnkching@yahoo.com. We need all the help we can get.