3. July 2015 01:01
Lynn Ching
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2 years+ later, Sean is still missing...
We are doing our best, but still no Sean....Say a prayer for Sean, for the California Missing 5...all missing from San Francisco...Please help us keep Sean's case alive by posting one of his fliers - anywhere -
More pictures of our precious Sean...Always smiling, always so good natured and funny. We miss him so very much.... The third picture is of Sean (on left) and friend Nico who lives in Tahiti. The 4th is of our car with Sean's flier - apparently the only way to keep a flier up in San Francisco....
See www.seansidi.com or www.facebook.com/findseansidi for more information on Sean SIDIi missing from San Francisco CA May 21, 2013 shortly after sustaining a traumatic brain injury. If you are willing to post a flier or two anywhere in the U.S., pls email lynnkching@yahoo.com for fliers.

27. July 2014 12:49
Lynn Ching
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Today, Claude (Sean's dad), Danielle (Sean's sister) and Danielle's friends are out water skiing, swimming and tubing on Lake Sonoma. It makes me happy to know that Danielle is smiling and laughing with her friends...
I am desperately working on regaining some sense of ...?? healing?? happiness?? Not sure what the words are. Unfortunately, I do not know if that is possible given the depth of my sense of loss.
I thought I knew love - until Sean (my firstborn) & his sister arrived.. There are no words to describe THAT feeling is there? That - that love could burn even brighter and stronger as time passed - was amazing!! All parents know what I am saying. In the back of my mind, I knew those feeling made me vulnerable to incomparable pain should something happen to Sean (or Danielle). But how could it? Like every parent, I took every care and precaution I could!!!
I still cannot believe that this happened to my funny, articulate, personable boy - who made us smile and laugh so much?!!! Last week a family found their 18 year old autistic son who went missing in Los Angleles - 20 days after he went missing. He was dehydrated and hurt, but ALIVE. WHY could WE not locate Sean when he needed us??!! How do we live with this guilt?
... I recently spoke to a cafe owner in Eugene OR who claimed to have seen someone resembling Sean. He did recall braces....& claims to have seen "Sean" late spring/early summer. On the other hand he says there are SO many street youth and MANY missing persons fliers in Eugene. I hope that he calls me if he sees "Sean" again.
THANK YOU to all those continuing to POST Sean's fliers. PLEASE send PICTURES & location so that we can POST. It is good to know where the fliers are. Claude saw a black & white flier in Berkeley yesterday - Please send PM or email lynnkching@yahoo.com with your ADDRESS to have fliers MAILED TO YOU anywhere in the U.S....I still have BOXES & BOXES of Sean's fliers.
See www.seansidi.com or www.facebook.com/findseansidi for more information on the search for critically injured Sean Sidi, age 19 (time of missing), missing from San Francisco, CA since May 21, 2013. Sean is 5’5”, 120 lbs, slim build; Asian/White; dark brown hair & eyes; WEARS SILVER DENTAL BRACES; has dimples; right eye droops slightly. Sean may not know his name and may be disoriented due to a traumatic brain injury suffered shortly before going missing. He is in URGENT need of medical care.
Picture of Sean (far right) with good friends Paul and Nobuo. It was good to see Paul and Nobuo this summer!!! They along with Sean's many other friends (& their parents) - filled our house with laughter and precious memories for so many years. Sleepovers, birthday parties, soccer matches, parent parties...the memories are endless!!!

27. July 2014 12:49
Lynn Ching
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Today, Claude (Sean's dad), Danielle (Sean's sister) and Danielle's friends are out water skiing, swimming and tubing on Lake Sonoma. It makes me happy to know that Danielle is smiling and laughing with her friends...
I am desperately working on regaining some sense of ...?? healing?? happiness?? Not sure what the words are. Unfortunately, I do not know if that is possible given the depth of my sense of loss.
I thought I knew love - until Sean (my firstborn) & his sister arrived.. There are no words to describe THAT feeling is there? That - that love could burn even brighter and stronger as time passed - was amazing!! All parents know what I am saying. In the back of my mind, I knew those feeling made me vulnerable to incomparable pain should something happen to Sean (or Danielle). But how could it? Like every parent, I took every care and precaution I could!!!
I still cannot believe that this happened to my funny, articulate, personable boy - who made us smile and laugh so much?!!! Last week a family found their 18 year old autistic son who went missing in Los Angleles - 20 days after he went missing. He was dehydrated and hurt, but ALIVE. WHY could WE not locate Sean when he needed us??!! How do we live with this guilt?
... I recently spoke to a cafe owner in Eugene OR who claimed to have seen someone resembling Sean. He did recall braces....& claims to have seen "Sean" late spring/early summer. On the other hand he says there are SO many street youth and MANY missing persons fliers in Eugene. I hope that he calls me if he sees "Sean" again.
THANK YOU to all those continuing to POST Sean's fliers. PLEASE send PICTURES & location so that we can POST. It is good to know where the fliers are. Claude saw a black & white flier in Berkeley yesterday - Please send PM or email lynnkching@yahoo.com with your ADDRESS to have fliers MAILED TO YOU anywhere in the U.S....I still have BOXES & BOXES of Sean's fliers.
See www.seansidi.com or www.facebook.com/findseansidi for more information on the search for critically injured Sean Sidi, age 19 (time of missing), missing from San Francisco, CA since May 21, 2013. Sean is 5’5”, 120 lbs, slim build; Asian/White; dark brown hair & eyes; WEARS SILVER DENTAL BRACES; has dimples; right eye droops slightly. Sean may not know his name and may be disoriented due to a traumatic brain injury suffered shortly before going missing. He is in URGENT need of medical care.
Picture of Sean (far right) with good friends Paul and Nobuo. It was good to see Paul and Nobuo this summer!!! They along with Sean's many other friends (& their parents) - filled our house with laughter and precious memories for so many years. Sleepovers, birthday parties, soccer matches, parent parties...the memories are endless!!!

12. June 2014 23:53
Lynn Ching
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Thank you "A Light For The Lost And Missing" for Sean Sidi's Flier and For Helping Us Spread the Word About Our Search for Sean.
Having a MISSING loved one is CERTAINLY SO TRAUMATIC no one could possibly imagine OR describe the devastation, anguish and pain suffered (unless going through this tragedy themselves). We are so VERY thankful to the MANY caring individuals and organizations who WILLINGLY HELP spread the word about Sean (and others missing).
We will mail Sean's Fliers to ANYONE requesting them. Send message on FB or email lynnkching@yahoo.com with your address to receive fliers.
See www.seansidi.com or www.facebook.com/findseansidi for more information on the search for critically injured Sean Sidi, age 19, missing from San Francisco, CA since May 21, 2013. Sean, age 19 (time of missing), is 5’5”, 120 lbs, slim build; Asian/White; dark brown hair & eyes; WEARS SILVER DENTAL BRACES; has dimples; right eye droops slightly. Sean may not know his name and may be disoriented due to a traumatic brain injury suffered shortly before going missing. He is in URGENT need of medical care.
Sean (far left) at graduation (International High School) with BEST FRIENDS Paul Vajda and Nobuo Bravo.

2. May 2014 23:27
Lynn Ching
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Someone from Chicago, ILLINOIS sent me A PHOTO of this advertisement featuring SEAN SIDI (HAVE YOU SEEN ME?) in a local newspaper. Someone else in Washington D.C. also reported seeing the ad.
Thank you to the 'National Center For Missing & Exploited Children' (NCMEC) for featuring Sean in ads across the United States.
If you have friends or family in other states, please share Sean's FLIER WITH THEM. The further the word is spread about Sean, the better our chances of finding him
WE WILL GLADLY MAIL A PACKET OF SEAN'S FLIERS TO ANYONE ANYWHERE IN THE U.S. Please email lynnkchng@yahoo.com or message Lynn on FB.
For more information about the search for critically injured Sean Sidi, 19 yrs. (age time of missing), missing from San Francisco May 21, 2013, please see www.facebook.com/findseansidi or www.seansidi.com.

15. March 2014 14:30
Lynn Ching
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The roller coaster of hope & disappointment continue. I try to survive by going through the exhausting process of blocking out all thoughts of my personable, good natured , charming son, who - despite the horrific accident, had the promise of a fulfilling LIFE ahead of him. Unlike a death, where pain may dim over time, the loss of having a MISSING CHILD & the anguish of NOT KNOWING become more PAINFUL as time passes, with HOPES diminished and ANXIETY INCREASING - wondering whether I will LIVE out my life NOT KNOWING WHAT HAPPENED TO SEAN......
This week, we got some help from 2 kind San Francisco Police officers. I approached 2 policemen at the Montgomery MUNI/BART station IN SAN FRANCISCO with Sean's fliers. After speaking to them, they ASKED me if I had more fliers - which of course I did. They took a stack, and had the station agent (at Montgomery) post the flier In the STATION window. They said they would distribute the fliers to other station agents. WE ARE VERY GRATEFUL TO THE 2 SAN FRANCISCO POLICE OFFICERS FOR THEIR HELP.
INTERESTINGLY, when I asked both police officers if they would recognize Sean among the homeless, they BOTH said they would RECOGNIZE SEAN'S DIMPLES (whether smiling or not)!!! I thought that was interesting as several people have said the same thing.
Please keep your EYES open for SEAN, among the HOMELESS, LIKELY looking FAR from the well groomed boy in these photos, except for his signature DIMPLES & BRACES....
See www.facebook.com/findseansidi or www.seansidi.com for more information on the search for 19 yr. old brain injured Sean SIDI, missing from San Francisco, CA May 21, 2013.
WE WILL MAIL A PACKAGE OF SEAN'S FLIERS TO YOU ANYWHERE IN THE U.S. if you would like to help POST Sean's fliers.. PLEASE message Lynn on FB or email lynnkching@yahoo.com with your mailing address. We have been mailing between 500 - 1,000 fliers out each week.
Sean is 19 yrs old, Asian/White, 5'5" 120 lbs, slim build, dimples, silver dental braces, bump on right forehead from brain surgery. Likely disoriented with no memory of us
Call 911 & 415.713.5913. PLEASE TAKE A PHOTO!!!!